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Weinland Austria
Unfortunately there is no information about Weinland Austria available.
Weinland Austria |
Description to Weinland Austria
Next to Bergland (Carinthia, Upper Austria, Salzburg, Tyrol, Vorarlberg) and Steirerland (Styria) the third Austrian wine-growing region. With about 90% of Austria's total area, it is by far the largest. It includes the vineyards of the three generic wine-growing regions Burgenland, Lower Austria and Vienna (until 2009 a separate wine-growing region). The designation applies to Landwein from the three federal provinces.
Map: © ÖWM
Recent wines 291

Where to buy wines of 2021 Landwein trocken "Contra", 49.00 €?

Where to buy wines of 2017 Weißburgunder Landwein trocken unfiltriert, 16.00 €?

Where to buy wines of 2020 Grüner Veltliner Landwein trocken "Privat", 10.50 €?
The most important grape varieties
More information in the magazine
- Our price-pleasure winners of the month The best wines for little money
- Our Top Wines of the Past Weeks Tasting
- It Can Be A Little More Tasting: The Best White Wines For Autumn
- The Discoveries and Surprises of the Month Tasting: Our Favorite Wines
- The Best Wines of the Month for Little Money Tasting
- Off to the fridge! Red wines for the summer
- Why many wineries would rather give up today than tomorrow Austrian viticulture in crisis
- The best sparkling wines for the European Championships Celebrate, but do it right!
- Light wines for bright nights Tasting
- Herbert Zillinger Winery Collection of the year 2023/2024 - Austria