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Celler de Capçanes
Winery Wines Files 3

Celler de Capçanes Tasted Wines 74 Wines

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0.75 L
2021 D.O. Montsant "Mas Donís" Rosat
Up to 8.00 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Relatively cool, somewhat dried-floral, herbal and slightly almondy aroma of predominantly red berri...
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera" kosher
Up to 34.00 €
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Relatively tart, a little dried-herbal, tobacco and nutty aroma of ripe predominantly black berries...
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "Selecció Mas Collet"
Up to 10.00 €
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Herbe, ein wenig pflanzliche bis kräuterige und florale Nase mit schwarz- und rotbeerigen Aromen, ei...
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "Selecció Lasendal"
Up to 10.00 €
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear aroma of partly preserved red and a little black berries with peppery, slightly tobacco and hi...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant Garnatxa Negra "Cabrida"
Up to 36.00 €
89 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear scent of red and black berries with hints of cherry, a touch of dried Mediterranean herbs as w...
0.75 L
2018 D.O. Montsant "Costers del Gravet"
Up to 14.00 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear, somewhat warm, relatively polished aroma of ripe black and a little red berries with dried fl...
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "Mas Donís negre"
5.70 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Relatively firm aroma of black and red berries with cherry notes, a little herbs and a hint of junip...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant "Selecció Mas Collet"
8.70 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear, quite polished aroma of more red than black berries with herbal and tobacco notes and a hint...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant "Selecció Lasendal"
8.70 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear, polished aroma of black and red berries with fine herbal, peppery and very delicate meaty aro...
0.75 L
2017 D.O. Montsant "Costers del Gravet"
13.95 €
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Firm aroma of ripe rather dark berries with delicate smoky tones, a hint of dried meat and bacon, ca...
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "La Nit de les Garnatxes - Slate"
11.20 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear, quite polished aroma of mixed berries and cherries with delicate fleshy and herbal-vegetable...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2020 D.O. Montsant "La Nit de les Garnatxes - Limestone"
11.20 €
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Slightly herbal and a touch floral nose of red and black berries. Clear, quite lively, juicy fruit w...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant "Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera" kosher
27.70 €
90 WP - excellent
Editor note: Firm, quite deep, slightly cedary aroma of blackcurrants, some red berries and hints of cherries wit...
0.75 L
2018 D.O. Montsant Garnacha "Cabrida"
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear, polished, especially with air also a little alcoholic, red berry nose with rather bright cher...
0.75 L
2018 D.O. Montsant "Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera" kosher
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Firm, somewhat nutty and tobacco aroma of ripe black and red berries with a bit of preserved cherrie...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant "Mas Donís negre"
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Youthful, fresh and undeveloped, somewhat floral nose of preserved mixed berries and cherries. Juicy...
0.75 L
2018 D.O. Montsant Selecció "Mas Collet"
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear scent of black berries and a little cherries with slightly dried-vegetable tones and floral tr...
0.75 L
2018 D.O. Montsant "Selecció Lasendal"
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear scent of black and red berries with cherry aromas, a little black tea and floral nuances. Quit...
0.75 L
2016 D.O. Montsant "Costers del Gravet"
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Quite firm, rather tart aroma of black and red berries with a little dried-vegetable and meaty notes...
0.75 L
2017 D.O. Montsant "Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera"
91 WP - excellent
Editor note: Fairly deep, earthy, nutty and slightly fleshy, also tobacco-like nose, black berries and greasy not...
0.75 L
2016 D.O. Montsant Garnacha "Cabrida"
92 WP - excellent
Editor note: Firm and quite deep, dried-fleshy and -vegetabile, also a bit greasy and earthy nose with clearly to...
0.75 L
2015 D.O. Montsant Garnacha Vinyes Velles "Cabrida"
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Slightly earthy, dried vegetal and hint of tobacco, mixed berries and some cherries with nutty notes...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Catalunya Pinot Noir 8/x
87 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, zart tabakiger Duft nach roten und ein wenig schwarzen Beeren mit gewürzigen Nuancen, ein we...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant vinyes velles "Mas Tortó"
88 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Fester, geschliffener, leicht säuerlicher und mit Luft merklich animalischer Duft nach mehr schwarze...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera
89 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Leicht fleischig-animalische und erdige Nase nach schwarzen Beeren und Kirschen mit kräuterigen und...
0.75 L
2014 D.O. Montsant Selecció Lasendal
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, leicht pflanzlicher Duft nach roten und ein wenig schwarzen Beeren mit Kirschanklängen und f...
0.75 L
2014 D.O. Montsant Selecció "Mas Collet"
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Geschliffener Duft nach überwiegend dunklen Beeren und Kirschen mit getrocknet-pflanzlichen bis kräu...
0.75 L
2015 D.O. Montsant Mas Donís
83 WP - good
Editor note: Youthful, delicate vegetal and floral nose with red berry and slightly earthy tones. Fruity and deli...
0.5 L
2012 D.O. Montsant süß Pansal del Calàs
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Rather tart, slightly tobacco and herbal aroma of dark berries and cherries with very slightly flesh...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Garnatxa Vinyes Velles "Cabrida"
87 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Deutlich an getrockneten Majoran erinnernder Duft nach roten und schwarzen Beeren mit Kirschnoten so...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
83 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Etwas tabakiger und einen Hauch fleischiger Duft nach reifen schwarzen Beeren mit getrocknet-pflanzl...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Vall del Calàs
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Zart säuerlicher und etwas vegetabiler Duft nach Maulbeeren und Kirschen mit erdigen, ganz leicht kr...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant 2 Pájaros
87 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Holzwürziger, etwas nussiger und bitterschokoladiger Duft nach reifen, teils eingemachten schwarzen...
0.75 L
2012 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
Up to 15.00 €
88 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, geschliffener, leicht holzwürziger Duft nach teils eingemachten gemischten Beeren und Kirsch...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera
Up to 30.00 €
90 WP - excellent
Editor note: Tart and firm aroma of black berries, a little tobacco and sour cherries with leathery and dried pla...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Lasendal
Up to 10.00 €
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Herber und noch fast ein wenig reduktiver Duft nach Sauerkirschen und etwas dunklen Beeren mit ganz...
0.75 L
2012 D.O. Montsant Vall del Calàs
Up to 15.00 €
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Zart oxidativer, ganz leicht fleischiger und getrocknet-vegetabiler Duft nach Sauerkirschen und gemi...
0.75 L
2013 D.O. Montsant Mas Collet
Up to 10.00 €
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Kühler, leicht kräuteriger Duft nach schwarzen Beeren und Sauerkirschen mit leicht alt- und unterhol...
0.75 L
2012 D.O. Montsant Garnatxa Vinyes Velles "Cabrida"
Up to 35.00 €
91 WP - excellent
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, herber, geschliffener, zart säuerlicher Duft nach Kirschen und eher roten Beeren mit feinen...
0.75 L
2012 D.O. Montsant vinyes velles "Mas Tortó"
Up to 30.00 €
90 WP - excellent
Translate to English Editor note: Fester, geschliffener, überraschend kühler Duft nach teils eingemachten schwarzen Beeren und Sauerki...
0.75 L
2012 D.O. Montsant 2 Pájaros
Up to 50.00 €
93 WP - excellent
Editor note: Still quite youthful, cool and tart, somewhat tobacco and also reminiscent of coriander and soup her...
0.75 L
2010 D.O. Catalunya Pinot Noir 5/x
88 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, geschliffener Duft nach roten und etwas schwarzen Beeren mit floralen Nuancen, einem Hauch T...
0.75 L
2009 D.O. Montsant vinyes velles "Mas Tortó"
91 WP - excellent
Translate to English Editor note: Reintöniger Duft nach reifen, teils eingemachten schwarzen Beeren, etwas Himbeeren und Kirschen mit...
0.75 L
2009 D.O. Montsant Garnacha Vinyes Velles "Cabrida"
89 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Reintöniger, recht geschliffener Duft nach reifen, teils eingemachten roten Beeren und etwas schwarz...
0.75 L
2011 D.O. Montsant Mas Picosa de flor en flor, BIO
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Jugendlicher, säuerlicher Kirsch- und Beerenduft mit floralen Anklängen. Betont fruchtig und wieder...
0.75 L
2010 D.O. Montsant Garnatxa "Lasendal"
85 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Fester Duft nach eingemachten Kirschen und dunklen Beeren mit zart schokoladigen und auch kandiert-k...
0.75 L
2009 D.O. Montsant Mas Collet
86 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Reintöniger und geschliffener, relativ herber Duft nach reifen, teils eingemachten gemischten Beeren...
0.75 L
2009 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
88 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Leicht nussiger und schokoladiger Duft nach Zwetschgen und eingemachten, überwiegend dunklen Beeren...
0.75 L
2009 D.O. Montsant Vall del Calàs
89 WP - very good
Translate to English Editor note: Herber Duft nach schwarzen Beeren und Sauerkirschen mit kandiert-kräuterigen Anklängen und mineralis...
0.75 L
2011 Mas Donís
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Reduktiver Duft nach gemischten Beeren und Sauerkirschen mit vegetabilen Noten. Im Mund Himbeer-, Ki...
0.75 L
2004 D.O. Montsant Garnacha Cabrida
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Fairly mature nose, spicy oak, preserved black berries, touch of candied herbs. Full-bodied, ripe fr...
0.75 L
2004 D.O. Montsant Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Black berries, some red berries and sour cherries on the nose, mineral notes, very light animal note...
0.75 L
2006 D.O. Montsant Mas Donís
82 WP - good
Editor note: Slightly tart nose with light cherries and red berries, light vegetal note. Youthful and fruity on t...
0.75 L
2004 D.O. Montsant Mas Collet
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Black berries, cherries and plums on the nose, vegetal and herbaceous notes, light animal notes. Fru...
0.75 L
2004 D.O. Montsant Garnacha Lasendal
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Very ripe, partly preserved red berries and light cherries on the nose, sweetish spice, roasted note...
0.5 L
2003 D.O. Montsant Pansal del Calàs
89 WP - very good
Editor note: Preserved cherries, plums and mixed berries on the nose, herbs and spices, roasted notes and some ol...
0.75 L
2003 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Ripe, partly dried mixed berries and plums on the nose, roasted and light smoky notes. Quite concent...
0.75 L
2003 D.O. Montsant Mas Tortó vinyes velles
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Black and red berries on the nose, plums and cherries, mineral notes, smoky and roasted notes. Clear...
0.75 L
2003 D.O. Montsant Vall del Calàs
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Ripe black berries, some cherries and plums on the nose, light herbaceous and roasted notes, integra...
0.75 L
2002 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Fairly mature nose with black berries and some partly dried plums, prominent roasted notes and spicy...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Cabrida
90 WP - excellent
Editor note: Light maturation notes on the nose, sweetish roasted oak, alphabet biscuits, lots of very ripe, part...
0.75 L
2004 D.O. Montsant Mas Donís
80 WP - good
Editor note: Aromas of small red berries and some cherries, delicate floral notes. Clean, soft fruit, delicate oa...
0.75 L
2002 D.O. Montsant Mas Collet
84 WP - good
Editor note: Dried red berries, plums, undergrowth, roasted, spicy oak notes, wilted leaves and paint. Some signs...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
90 WP - excellent
Editor note: Cleen deep garnet. Intense nose, very ripe black berries, coconut, vanilla and minerals, with fairly...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera
91 WP - excellent
Editor note: Very deep garnet with purple tinges. Intense nose, light animal notes, black berries, cool oak and r...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Vall de Calàs
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Garnet, showing some signs of maturation, brown on the rim. Roasted aromas, quite spica, oaky, ripe...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Mas Tortó
89 WP - very good
Editor note: Concentrated garnet, showing some maturation. Roasted aromas, vanilla, coconut, ripe black berries,...
0.5 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Pensal del Calàs
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Deep youthful garnet. Alcoholic nose, bread, cherry preserves, plums and dark berries. Sweet and alc...
0.75 L
2002 D.O. Montsant Mas Collet
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Garnet showing some maturation. Spicy oak on the nose, ripe plums, red berries, some dried fruit and...
0.75 L
2002 D.O. Montsant Garnacha Lasendal
82 WP - good
Editor note: Garnet, slightly lighter on the rim. Elegant spicy nose, red berry preserves. Ripe red berries and s...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Peraj Ha'abib - Flor de Primavera
91 WP - excellent
Editor note: Very deep purple to garnet. A whiff of bread, black berry preserves and plums. Full-bodied and juicy...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Crianza Mas Collet
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Matt garnet. Intense fruit on the nose, black berries, behind this roasted, almost mineral notes. Ju...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Cabrida
89+ WP - very good
Editor note: Very deep garnet. Intense nose with black berries and complex herbal aromas, some roasted and spicy...
0.75 L
2001 D.O. Montsant Costers del Gravet
90 WP - excellent
Editor note: Deep, matt garnet. Sweetish nose, intense spicy oak, dried and preserved dark fruit. Lots of oak aga...
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