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Winery Wines

Lungarotti Tasted Wines 36 Wines

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0.75 L
2022 Umbria IGT "Brezza®"
7.95 €
Translate to English Editor note: Apfel-Birnennase mit pflanzlichen bis floralen Nuancen. Kernobstbetont auch im Mund, zart süßlich wi...
0.75 L
2017 Umbria IGT "San Giorgio" Rosso
29.90 €
Editor note: Firm, nutty, somewhat woody and meaty-animalic aroma of ripe black berries and cherries with a littl...
0.75 L
2018 Torgiano Rosso DOC "Rubesco"
11.90 €
Editor note: Tart aroma of predominantly dark berries and a little cherry with dried floral and hints of leathery...
0.75 L
2018 Umbria IGT Rosso
10.90 €
Editor note: Firm, rather tart, somewhat tobacco aroma of predominantly black berries with a hint of cherries and...
0.75 L
2019 Umbria IGT Sangiovese-Merlot Rosso
8.95 €
Editor note: Somewhat smoky scent of black and red berries with cherry aromas as well as dried herbal to tobacco...
0.75 L
2020 Umbria IGT "Brezza® Rosato"
7.50 €
Translate to English Editor note: Klare, frische rotbeerige Nase mit zart vegetabilen und hefigen Nuancen. Schlanke, frische, süßlich-...
0.75 L
2017 Torgiano DOC "Vigna Il Pino" Torre di Giano®
22.90 €
Editor note: Firm, tart, slightly developed, a hint of waxy scent with yellow fruity and slightly floral aromas,...
0.75 L
2020 Umbria IGT Chardonnay-Vermentino Bianco
8.95 €
Editor note: Fresh pome fruit scent with citrus aromas and herbal-vegetable tones. Straightforward, youthful frui...
0.75 L
2020 Torgiano DOC "Torre di Giano"
9.90 €
Editor note: Clear, cool, quite polished nose with bright yellow fruity aromas. Fine juicy, again cool and bright...
0.75 L
2020 Umbria IGT "Brezza®"
7.50 €
Editor note: Youthful citrus-pome fruit scent with floral notes. Bright, quite sweet fruit, lively acidity, herba...
0.75 L
2016 Umbria IGT "San Giorgio" Rosso
29.90 €
Editor note: Animal, dried vegetal and roasted scent of black berries and lots of partly grilled green pepper wit...
0.75 L
2015 Torgiano DOC "Vigna Il Pino" Torre di Giano®
22.90 €
Editor note: Firm, slightly smoky and delicately yeasty, also finely vegetal scent with reserved yellow-fruity ar...
0.75 L
2016 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG
29.00 €
Editor note: Firm, slightly ethereal fragrance of black berries, cherries and plums with a hint of liquorice, pep...
0.75 L
2018 Torgiano Rosso DOC "Rubesco"
11.90 €
Editor note: Firm scent of ripe black and red berries with cherry notes, a hint of liquorice and herbal nuances....
0.75 L
2019 Umbria IGT "Brezza®"
7.50 €
Editor note: Cool, somewhat vegetal nose with light yellow fruit notes. Light-bodied, light, sweetish fruit, very...
0.75 L
2019 Torgiano DOC "Torre di Giano"
9.90 €
Editor note: Clear, delicately planty and floral nose with light yellow fruity notes and a touch of herbs. Smooth...
0.75 L
2019 Umbria IGT "Brezza® Rosa"
7.50 €
Editor note: Slightly floral nose with delicately sweet red berry aromas and a little stone fruit. Sweet fruit wi...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2012 Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG Rubesco® "Vigna Monticchio"
32.90 €
Editor note: Firm, somewhat tobacco, spicy and slightly dried-herbal aroma of ripe black and red berries with dri...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2017 Torgiano Bianco DOC Grechetto-Trebbiano Torre di Giano
Translate to English Editor note: Klare, herbe Nase mit pflanzlichen, zart hefigen, mineralischen und kühlen gelbfruchtigen Noten. Hel...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2011 Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG Rubesco® "Vigna Monticchio"
Translate to English Editor note: Herber, recht fester und komplexer, getrocknet-kräuteriger bis tabakiger, dazu etwas pfeffrig-gewürz...
0.75 L
2014 Montefalco Rosso DOC
Translate to English Editor note: Nussiger und etwas tabakig-holzwürziger Duft nach reifen roten und schwarzen Beeren mit pfeffrig-gew...
0.375 L
2014 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG
Translate to English Editor note: Fester, herber, tabakiger Duft nach schwarzen Beeren und ein wenig Trockenkräutern mit getrocknet-fl...
0.75 L
2015 Torgiano Rosso DOC
Translate to English Editor note: Fester, leicht tabakiger und teeriger Duft nach überwiegend schwarzen Beeren mit leicht jodigen Töne...
0.375 L
2009 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG passito
Translate to English Editor note: Rauchiger, erdiger, etwas animalischer und holziger Duft nach schwarzen Beeren mit getrocknet-pflanz...
0.75 L
2009 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG
Translate to English Editor note: Leicht animalischer, nussiger und schokoladiger Duft nach eingemachten schwarzen Beeren, Datteln, ei...
0.75 L
2010 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG
Translate to English Editor note: Etwas rauchige Nase mit getrocknet-schwarzbeerigen Aromen, aber auch getrocknetem Paprika und Kräute...
0.75 L
2012 Montefalco Rosso DOC
Translate to English Editor note: Recht fester, ein wenig tabakiger Duft nach reifen schwarzen Beeren mit teerigen und holzigen Aromen...
0.75 L
2005 Torgiano Rosso Riserva DOCG "Vigna Monticchio" Rubesco®
Up to 35.00 €
Translate to English Editor note: Herber Duft nach schwarzen Beeren mit getrocknet-pflanzlichen, etwas holzigen und erdigen bis minera...
0.75 L
2007 Torgiano DOC Sangiovese-Canaiolo Rubesco
Up to 10.00 €
Editor note: Compact, tranquil nose, preserved dark berries, light spice, roasted notes and some cocoa. Cool, spi...
0.75 L
2007 Montefalco Rosso DOC
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Spicy nose, red berries, partly dried herbs, undergrowth, mineral notes, some old oak. Red berries a...
0.75 L
2007 Umbria IGT Toralco
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Spicy complex nose, dried red berries, orange zest, melissa, mineral traces, old oak, undergrowth an...
0.75 L
2007 Umbria IGT Chardonnay aurente®
Up to 20.00 €
Editor note: Fairly shy nose, citrus fruit and pomaceous fruit, melon and banana, delicate herbaceous notes. Bana...
0.75 L
2009 Torgiano DOC Trebbiano-Grechetto Torre di Giano®
Up to 10.00 €
Editor note: Yellow fruit on the nose, light vegetal and herbaceous notes with lovage. Uncomplicated style, firm,...
0.75 L
2007 Torgiano DOC "Vigna Il Pino" Torre di Giano®
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Preserved pomaceous fruit on the nose, dried herbs, some coconuts and nuts, light vegetal and delica...
0.75 L
2008 Umbria IGT Torveto
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Slightly muted, earthy nose, dried yellow fruit, dried medicinal herbs, old oak. More dried yellow f...
0.75 L
2006 Montefalco Sagrantino DOCG
Up to 25.00 €
Editor note: Crisp berry fruit on the nose, touch of orange zests, earthy and herbaceous notes, sweetish oak. Com...
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