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Winery Wines
Name: Anton Märzweiler
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Address: Address
2500 Baden, Austria
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Tasted Wines 17 Wines View All

0.375 L
2020 Thermenregion Traminer Beerenauslese süß
9.90 €
88 WP - very good
Editor note: Quite firm, delicately vegetal aroma of partly candied and dried white and yellow fruits with floral...
0.75 L
2020 Thermenregion Zierfandler halbtrocken "zur Breinschmiede"
7.90 €
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Vegetal and slightly smoky nose with white and yellow fruity notes and light floral tones. Again mai...
0.75 L
2022 Thermenregion Rotgipfler trocken
7.90 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Vegetal, hint of smoky and a hint of smoky aroma with pomaceous fruit and yellow fruity notes. Warm,...
0.75 L
2021 Thermenregion Ried Wienerisch Zierfandler trocken
9.90 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: More white than yellow fruit on the nose, some green vegetal and hint of floral notes. Somewhat warm...
0.75 L
2020 Thermenregion Ried Steinbühel Chardonnay trocken
17.00 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Restrained, light, somewhat vegetal pome fruit and citrus nose with restrained, nutty barrel notes....
0.75 L
2022 Riesling Landwein trocken
6.50 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Slightly smoky and planty to herbaceous citrus flavour with a hint of pomaceous fruit and peach. Sle...
Good producer
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