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About ProducerWeingut & Sektmanufaktur Adolf Schembs Erben, Worms is a premium member of
The "Weingut & Sektmanufaktur Adolf Schembs Erben" is located in the municipality of Worms-Herrnsheim (Wonnegau area) in the German wine-growing region of Rheinhessen. The ancestor Zacharias Schömbs i...
ContactWeingut & Sektmanufaktur Adolf Schembs Erben
Weingut & Sektmanufaktur Adolf Schembs Erben
The "Weingut & Sektmanufaktur Adolf Schembs Erben" is located in the municipality of Worms-Herrnsheim (Wonnegau area) in the German wine-growing region of Rheinhessen. The ancestor Zacharias Schömbs immigrated to Rheinhessen from Alsace in 1691. Today, the traditional winery is managed by Dipl. Ing. Oen. Arno Schembs. The vineyards cover 8.5 hectares of vines in Worms' famous single vineyard Liebfrauenstift-Kirchenstück (see also under Liebfrauenmilch). They are planted with the white wine varieties Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Silvaner, Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, Chardonnay and Muscat, as well as with the red wine varieties Pinot Noir, Dornfelder, Black Riesling, Portugieser, Pinot Noir, St. Laurent and Lemberger. In years with suitable weather conditions, an ice wine is also produced.
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wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.
80-84 WPgood
Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.
75-79 WPpassable
70-74 WPschwach
60-69 WPinsufficient
50-59 WPunacceptable
Grading according to the 100-point system
wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.
80-84 WPgood
Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.
75-79 WPpassable
70-74 WPschwach
60-69 WPinsufficient
50-59 WPunacceptable
Grading according to the 100-point system
wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.
80-84 WPgood
Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.
75-79 WPpassable
70-74 WPschwach
60-69 WPinsufficient
50-59 WPunacceptable
Grading according to the 100-point system
wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.
80-84 WPgood
Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.
75-79 WPpassable
70-74 WPschwach
60-69 WPinsufficient
50-59 WPunacceptable
Grading according to the 100-point system
wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.
80-84 WPgood
Clean, harmonious, at best typical wines.
75-79 WPpassable
70-74 WPschwach
60-69 WPinsufficient
50-59 WPunacceptable
Grading according to the 100-point system
wine.plusevaluates according to the international 100-point system, the is borrowed from the American school grading scheme. We use the abbreviation WP ( in our points system.
What our ratings mean
100 WPunique
Wines that can only be made differently, but not better.
95-99 WPgreat
World-class wines whose depth, complexity, character and expressiveness give an unforgettable, sensual experience.
90-94 WPexcellent
First class wines that are among the best of their kind. They are characterized by purity, harmony, depth and character.
85-89 WPvery good
Remarkable wines with personality, expression, as well as a certain complexity and depth. They deserve every wine lover's attention.