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Weingut Arndt Schnabel

Germany Rheinhessen Bingen

Winery Wines Files 12
Name: Weingut Arndt Schnabel
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Foundation year: 2022
Address: Address
55599 Gau-Bickelheim, Germany
Vineyard: 21 ha
Owner: Arndt Schnabel
Manager: Arndt Schnabel
Managing Director: Arndt Schnabel
Wine Maker: Arndt Schnabel
Oenologist: Arndt Schnabel
Social Media:
Associations: Bauern- und Winzerverband Rheinland-Pfalz
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Weingut Arndt Schnabel

Tasted Wines 4 Wines View All

0.75 L
trocken Cuvée "Creation Senior"
8.90 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Clear nose of mixed berries and cherries with slightly herbal, tobacco, and smoky nuances. Straightf...
0.75 L
2024 Weißburgunder trocken
6.10 €
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Kühler, etwas vegetabiler, jugendlicher Zitrusduft mit nussigen und floralen Anklängen. Schlanke, sü...
0.75 L
2023 Gau-Bickelsheim Saukopf Chardonnay trocken
8.50 €
83 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Nussiger und leicht rauchiger, eine Spur warmer Kernobst-Zitrusduft mit ein wenig Butterkaramell und...
0.75 L
2023 Grauburgunder trocken
6.30 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: A somewhat nutty and subtly smoky aroma with core fruit-focused yellow fruit notes and delicate herb...
Weingut Arndt Schnabel Region: Germany Rheinhessen Bingen
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