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Rocca di Montegrossi
Winery Wines

2016 Chianti Classico DOCG Gran Selezione "Vigneto San Marcellino", Tuscany, Italy

Bottle image in HD without watermark
Last reviewed: 16 August, 2021
Price: 43.00 € find+buy
Type: Rotwein(Red wine)
Quantity: 0.75 L
Alcohol content: 14.5%
Classification: Gran Selezione
Organic labeling: Organic wine
Bottle closure: Natural cork
Maturing: Barrique and Tonneau
Registration number: RMo-L347/18

The red grape variety originates from Italy. There are over 80 synonyms that testify to its great age and widespread distribution. These include Agnelluccia, Brunelletto,...

This red grape variety comes from Italy. The name is derived from the shape of the grapes, which resemble a small fist (pugno = fist). According to Wine GrapesWine...

DOCG area for red wines in the Italian region of Tuscany. This wine, which is one quality level higher than "normal" Chianti and has stricter regulations, comes...

The region with the capital Florence is located in the centre of Italy on the Ligurian coast; it also includes the third largest Italian island of Elba. It borders...

The Republic of Italy in southern Europe with its capital Rome covers 301,338 km². Most of the national territory is located on the Apennine Peninsula, which is surrounded by...

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