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Fernando Remírez de Ganuza

Spain La Rioja

Winery Wines
Name: Fernando Remírez de Ganuza
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Foundation year: 1989
Vineyard: 104 ha
Owner: Fernando Remirez de Ganuza
Manager: Roberto Lopez Moreno
Wine Maker: Fernando Remirez de Ganuza
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Tasted Wines 15 Wines View All

0.75 L
2004 D.O.Ca Rioja Reserva Fincas de Ganuza
Up to 25.00 €
Translate to English Editor note: Fest gewirkte, entwickelte, rauchige und leicht speckige Nase nach reifen schwarzen Beeren mit Kirsc...
0.75 L
2005 D.O.Ca Rioja Reserva
Up to 50.00 €
Translate to English Editor note: Etwas entwickelter, herber Duft nach schwarzen Beeren und ein wenig Kirschen mit getrocknet-kräuteri...
0.75 L
2009 D.O.Ca Rioja Erre Punto blanco
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Delicate maturation notes on the nose, light vegetal and nutty notes, pomaceous fruit, hint of citru...
0.75 L
2006 D.O.Ca Rioja Trasnocho
Up to 100.00 €
Editor note: Very deep nose, extremely ripe preserved mixed berries and cherries, hint of chocolate, vegetal and...
0.75 L
2001 D.O.Ca Rioja Reserva Fincas de Ganuza
20.00 €
Editor note: Black berries and dried prunes on the nose, cherries, light malted notes, some licorice and floral n...
0.75 L
2003 D.O.Ca Rioja Reserva Remírez de Ganuza
40.00 €
Editor note: Loads of ripe, dark fruit on the nose, preserved black berries and cherries, some coffee, rum punch...
Fernando Remírez de Ganuza Region: Spain La Rioja
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