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Unfortunately there is no information about Stammersdorf available.

Description to Stammersdorf

Catastral municipality of the 21st municipal district Floridsdorf in the north-west of the Austrian capital Wien. It is located on the south-eastern slope of the Bisamberg, after which the Großlage Bisamberg-Wien is named. The village was only incorporated in 1938. It extends into the plain of the Marchfeld. In 1784, Emperor Josef II. (1741-1790) renewed the privilege of serving home-produced wine to the people of Stammersdorf. Alongside the perhaps better-known Grinzing (Döbling), Stammersdorf is, for locals, synonymous with the Heurigen (Buschenschank), which are to be found here in large numbers and are popular with many Viennese. The vineyards include Auckenthal, Braschen, Breiten, Erdln, Falkenberg, Gabrissen, Gernen, Gritschen, Gschefern, Haussätzen, Herrnholz, Hochfeld, Hofbreiten, Jungenberg, Kebeln, Kirchberg, Kreften, Leere Beuteln, Luckenholz, Lüssen, Neurisse, Neusätzen, Raiffel, Rendezvouswald, Rothen, Sätzen, Steinbügeln, Strizzeln, Tachlern, Vorleithen, Wiesthalen and Zwerchbreiteln. Well-known wineries with mostly Heurigen operations are Göbel Hans-Peter, Helm Robert, Nössing Manuel, Wieninger and Winzerhof Leopold. Strebersdorf (with the Untere Sätzen vineyard) borders Stammersdorf to the southwest.

Stammerdorf - Ried Vorleithen

Vorleithen: By Tauralbus from Wien, Austria - Weinwandertag, CC BY 2.0, Link

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