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Unfortunately there is no information about Bordeaux Clairet AOC available.
Bordeaux Clairet AOC

Description to Bordeaux Clairet AOC

Regional appellation in the Bordeaux region for light red wine or somewhat darker coloured rosé. In the Middle Ages, the term Clairet was synonymous with Bordeaux wine par excellence and a mass export article to England. The wine is produced by means of short maceration. The varieties Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc, Carmenère, Merlot, Malbec (Cot) and Petit Verdot are permitted. Compared to a Bordeaux Rosé, these wines have a somewhat stronger colour because they are produced with longer maceration. There is also a Bordeaux Supérieur Clairet with a somewhat higher alcohol content. Well-known producers are Château Bellevue la Mongie, Château du Grand Moueys, Château Penin, Château Piote-Aubrion, Premius Clairet, Château Roquebert, Château le Trébuchet and Les Vignerons de Saint-Martin.

Bordeaux - Karte

Map: By Domenico-de-ga from Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, link.
Changes by Norbert Tischelmayer 2017

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