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Badische Bergstraße |
Description to Badische Bergstraße
Area of the German production region of Baden; see there
Classified wine producers in Badische Bergstraße 3
find+buy for Badische Bergstraße 4
Recent wines 125
13 Reben Weingut
— Baden
2023 Dossenheim Ölberg Johanniter-Muscaris trocken
84 WP
11.50 €
Where to buy wines of 2023 Dossenheim Ölberg Johanniter-Muscaris trocken, 11.50 €?
13 Reben Weingut
— Baden
Dossenheim Ölberg Souvignier Gris trocken
84 WP
11.50 €
Where to buy wines of Dossenheim Ölberg Souvignier Gris trocken, 11.50 €?
Weingut Seeger
— Baden
2022 Leimen Herrenberg Blauer Spätburgunder VDP.Erste Lage trocken "S"
89 WP
very good
23.00 €
Where to buy wines of 2022 Leimen Herrenberg Blauer Spätburgunder VDP.Erste Lage trocken "S", 23.00 €?
Weingut Seeger
— Baden
2023 trocken Cuvée Rosé "AnnA
88 WP
very good
16.50 €
Where to buy wines of 2023 trocken Cuvée Rosé "AnnA, 16.50 €?
The most important grape varieties
More information in the magazine
- Winery Bercher Collection of the year 2023/2024 - Baden
- First-Class Wines at Affordable Prices Tasting
- The Discoveries and Surprises of the Month Tasting: Our Favorite Wines
- The Top Wines of the Month Tasting
- The Best Wines of the Month for Little Money Tasting
- Off to the fridge! Red wines for the summer
- The best sparkling wines for the European Championships Celebrate, but do it right!
- Light wines for bright nights Tasting
- Karl Haidle Winery Collection of the year 2023/2024 - Württemberg
- AdamsWine Collection of the year 2023/2024 - Rheinhessen