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Weinkonvent Dürrenzimmern eG

Germany Württemberg

Winery Wines
Name: Weinkonvent Dürrenzimmern eG
Show in places
Foundation year: 1939
Address: Address
74336 Brackenheim, Germany
Vineyard: 180 ha
Owner: Alfred Heckel (Vorstandsvorsitzender)
Managing Director: Mirko Semmler-Lins
Wine Maker: Kurt Freudenthaler
Products & Services: Camper site
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Tasted Wines 42 Wines View All

0.75 L
2020 Lemberger trocken "Divinus"
24.00 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: A somewhat smoky-woody scent of black berries with a hint of tobacco, canned cherries, as well as dr...
0.75 L
2021 Lemberger trocken "Cellarius"
9.90 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Blackberry scent with a hint of tar and plums, some pencil lead wood as well as earthy and peppery n...
0.75 L
2022 Lemberger trocken "Edition Klosterhof"
5.70 €
82 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Leicht florale, klare, aber eher einfache Nase nach teils eingemachten gemischten Beeren und Kirsche...
0.75 L
2023 Lemberger Kabinett "Cellarius"
7.50 €
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Angedeutet erdige und getrocknet-pflanzliche Sauerkirschnase mit schwarz- und ein wenig rotbeerigen...
0.75 L
2019 trocken "Cellarius - Benedictus"
86 WP - very good
Editor note: Very slightly fleshy aroma of predominantly black berries with a little nutty tones as well as a hin...
0.75 L
trocken Cuvée "Novitius"
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Herber Duft nach überwiegend dunklen Beeren mit nussigen und leicht tabakigen Holznoten. Herb auch i...

Weinkonvent Dürrenzimmern eG External Wine Awards

Award Image
Württ. Trollinger Weißgekeltert QbA
2018 - Berliner Wein Trophy
Bottle Image
Award Image
Divinus Lemberger
2019 - Berliner Wein Trophy
Bottle Image
Award Image
Divinus Merlot
2019 - Berliner Wein Trophy
Bottle Image
Weinkonvent Dürrenzimmern eG Region: Germany Württemberg
Good producer
wein.plus Business Premium Member
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