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Winery Wines Files 4

2015 Vulkanland Steiermark Straden Sauvignon Blanc trocken Alte Reben, Styria/Steiermark, Austria

Translate to English Fester, tiefer und herber Duft mit feinen kräuterig-pflanzlichen und nussigen Tönen, weiß- und gelbfruchtigen Noten, etwas Paprika, Wurzelgemüse und mineralischen Noten. Fest gewirkte, herb-saftige, noch immer frisch wirkende Frucht mit deutlich pflanzlichen und wieder etwas nussigen Aromen, zarter Griff, feine, lebendige Säure, warme und kühle Elemente, hat durchaus Schmelz und Kraft, dabei aber auch reichlich Spannung, ein Hauch dunkler Beeren, rauchige Anklänge, angedeutete Ätherik, tief und komplex, besitzt Druck und Finessen, enorme Mineralik, knochentrockener Stil, langer, straffer, feinsaftiger und -würziger Abgang, wieder mit Druck und Zug.

Best to drink: Bis 2028+. What our ratings mean

Last reviewed: 21 January, 2025
Price: 60.00 € find+buy
Type: Weißwein(White wine)
Quantity: 0.75 L
Alcohol content: 13.5%
Classification: Qualitätswein(quality wine)
Sweetness: trocken(dry)
Bottle closure: Natural cork
Maturing: large oak barrel
Registration number: L-N13328/18
wein.plus rating: great (97 WP)
Last reviewed: 9 January, 2019
Best to drink: 2021-2035+
Editor note: Fairly open nose, light notes of smoked bacon and mushrooms, yellow fruit, delicate floral and dried vegetal traces, herbs, yeadsty traces and light mineral notes. Cool, very firm and polished, fairly tart and very concentrated fruit on the palate, touch of flintstone, prominent yeasty notes, light chalky, salty mineral notes, still totally undevelopedm firm, elegant acidity, ripe tannins provide firm grip, intense mineral notes, very deep and persistent, tremendously vibrant, complex, long finish. Definitely needs time to mature.

The Federal Republic of Austria in Central Europe with its capital Vienna covers 83,883 km² and is divided into nine federal states. It borders Germany and the...

Synonym for the grape variety Sauvignon Blanc; see there.

One of the three specific wine-growing regions in the Austrian province or generic wine-growing region of Styria. It lies close to the borders with...

The federal state of Styria with its capital Graz is located in the south-east of Austria and covers 16,400 km². It borders the federal states of Carinthia...

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