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Weingut Dätwyl

Germany Rheinhessen Nierstein

Winery Wines Files 10
Name: Weingut Dätwyl
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Foundation year: 2020
Address: Address
67587 Wintersheim, Germany
Vineyard: 12 ha
Owner: Heiko & Heike Dettweiler
Manager: Heiko & Heike Dettweiler
Managing Director: Heiko & Heike Dettweiler
Wine Maker: Heiko & Daniel Dettweiler
Oenologist: Heiko & Daniel Dettweiler
Products & Services: Camper site
Website: www.daetwyl.de
Social Media:
Associations: Bauern- und Winzerverband Rheinland-Pfalz & Rheinhessenwein e.V. & Silvaner Forum
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Weingut Dätwyl

Tasted Wines 6 Wines View All

0.75 L
2021 Spätburgunder Extra Brut Crémant Blanc de Noir
12.50 €
84 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Nussige, pflanzliche und etwas rauchige Nase mit verhaltenen gelbfruchtigen und hefigen Noten. Schla...
0.75 L
2020 Wintersheim St. Laurent trocken
9.80 €
83 WP - good
Translate to English Editor note: Duft nach teils eingemachten Sauerkirschen und gemischten Beeren mit moderaten Fasstönen sowie leich...
0.75 L
2020 Wintersheim Lemberger trocken
9.80 €
85 WP - very good
Editor note: Light floral, tobacco-like and restrained earthy-vegetable nose with blackcurrant aromas, barrel ton...
0.75 L
2018 Wintersheim Fraugarten Cabernet Sauvignon
15.00 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Smoky aroma of ripe black berries and paprika, tomato notes, roasted barrel tones, a hint of dark ch...
0.75 L
2023 Uelversheim Riesling trocken
7.50 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Cool, bright, still delicately yeasty citrus nose with a hint of bacon and root vegetables, some sto...
0.75 L
2022 Uelversheim Weißburgunder trocken
9.00 €
87 WP - very good
Editor note: Cool, somewhat herbal to herbal, a hint of nutty citrus core fruit aroma with floral and subtly yeas...

Weingut Dätwyl External Wine Awards

Award Image
Cuvée Zeebra
2021 - Berliner Wein Trophy
Bottle Image
Weingut Dätwyl Region: Germany Rheinhessen Nierstein
Ordinary producer
wein.plus Business Premium Member
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