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Schmelzer's Weingut

Neusiedlersee Austria Burgenland

Winery Wines
Name: Schmelzer's Weingut
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Owner: Familie Georg Schmelzer
Wine Maker: Georg Schmelzer
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Tasted Wines 54 Wines View All

Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2017 Weißburgunder Landwein trocken unfiltriert
16.00 €
Editor note: Cloudy gold yellow. Firm, distinctly yeasty and nutty, also a bit smoky aroma with notes of ripe cit...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2014 Frühroter Veltliner trocken schlicht und ergreifend
Translate to English Editor note: Sehr trübes Orange bis Rostrot. Kühle, hefige, etwas nussige, getrocknet-florale und fein.-gewürzige...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2019 Neusiedlersee trocken "Dion"
Editor note: Clearly yeasty, somewhat nutty and slightly floral scent with light yellow fruit and a little chalky...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2015 trocken "Cuvée II - schlicht und ergreifend"
26.00 €
Translate to English Editor note: Trübes Orange-Gold. Tiefer, deutlich vegetabiler, etwas gelb-gewürziger, floraler und nussiger Duft...
0.75 L
2017 Grüner Veltliner trocken unfiltriert
Editor note: Cloudy, bright yellow. Clearly vegetal, earthy and also slightly greasy on the nose, somewhat yellow...
0.75 L
trocken "Redition"
16.00 €
Editor note: Tobacco, earthy, nutty-woody and slightly animal scent of ripe black and slightly red berries with t...

Schmelzer's Weingut External Wine Awards

Award Image
Trockenbeerenauslese Welschriesling
2021 - Berliner Wein Trophy
Bottle Image
Schmelzer's Weingut Region: Neusiedlersee Austria Burgenland
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