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Portal del Priorat

Spain Catalunya

Winery Wines
Name: Portal del Priorat
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Owner: Alfredo Arribas
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Tasted Wines 9 Wines View All

0.75 L
2016 D.O. Montsant Collecció Trossos by Alfredo Arribas "Tros Blanc - Saleres"
42.40 €
Editor note: Quite firm, tart, clearly dried planty scent with herbal notes, delicate mushroomy and also balsamic...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant Garnatxa Blanca Collecció Trossos by Alfredo Arribas "SANTS"
17.40 €
Editor note: Tart, clearly planty to somewhat herbal scent with chalky and almost somewhat metallic mineral notes...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant Samsó Collecció Trossos by Alfredo Arribas "VELLS"
18.60 €
Editor note: Firm, tart aroma of predominantly dark berries and a little cherry with dried floral and slightly he...
0.75 L
2019 D.O. Montsant "GOTES"
14.20 €
Editor note: Clear, tart, quite polished aroma of more black than red berries with cherry aromas, a hint of junip...
0.75 L
2016 D.O. Montsant Collecció Trossos by Alfredo Arribas "Tros Negre - Notaria"
43.00 €
Editor note: Clear, firm and quite deep, slightly smoky aroma of ripe more red than black berries with some peppe...
0.75 L
2006 D.O. Montsant Brunus
Translate to English Editor note: Moderat holziger, ein wenig an Baumrinde erinnernder Duft nach reifen überwiegend dunklen Beeren mit...
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