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Julia Bernet SCP

Spain Catalunya

Winery Wines
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Tasted Wines 4 Wines View All

0.75 L
2017 Brut Nature "130" (Deg.: 11.11.21)
Editor note: Quite dense and deep, delicately yeasty, nutty and vegetal aroma of pome fruits and citrus fruits wi...
0.75 L
2019 Brut Nature "60x40" (Deg.: 05.11.21)
Translate to English Editor note: Kühle, etwas vegetabile, leicht an Avocado erinnernde Nase mit hefigen, pflanzlichen Pfeffrigen Arom...
0.75 L
2017 Brut Nature "Exsum" (Deg.: 11.10.21)
Up to 25.00 €
Editor note: Quite taut, youthful, yeasty citrus-apple scent with fresh planty to herbaceous, hints of smoky and...
Favorite wine, chosen by Our Tasting Team
0.75 L
2016 Brut Nature "130" (Deg.: 05.10.21)
Up to 30.00 €
Editor note: Firm and quite deep, nutty, somewhat herbal, smoky and yeasty aroma with fine yellow fruity aromas,...
Julia Bernet SCP Region: Spain Catalunya
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