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Feudi di San Marzano s.r.l.

Italy Apulia

Winery Wines
Name: Feudi di San Marzano s.r.l.
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Growing area: Apulia
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Tasted Wines 13 Wines View All

0.75 L
2007 Salice Salentino DOC
Editor note: Berries on the nose, hint of baked plums, light cedary and burnt notes, animal traces. Slightly rust...
0.75 L
2007 Puglia IGT Negroamaro
Editor note: Berries and some pomegranate on the nose, herbaceous notes, very slightly burnt notes, some undergro...
0.75 L
2007 Puglia IGT Primitivo
Editor note: Very slightly artificial cherries and berries on the nose, burnt notes and some undergrowth. Preserv...
0.75 L
2007 Salento IGT
Editor note: Berries on the nose, light vegetal traces, slightly burnt notes, light nutty notes. Uncomplicated st...
0.75 L
2006 Primitivo di Manduria DOC Sud
Editor note: Preserved berries on the nose, hint of bacon and some old oak. Sweetish, smoky oak on the palate, pa...
0.75 L
2007 Salento IGT Malvasia Nera Sud
Editor note: Orange zests on the nose, dried berries, dark chocolate, some smoky notes, fairly moderate but compl...

Feudi di San Marzano s.r.l. External Wine Awards

Award Image
Notte Rossa Primitivo di Manduria Dop
2018 - Berliner Wein Trophy
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Tramari Rosé di Primitivo Salento Igp
2018 - Berliner Wein Trophy
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Award Image
Talò Primitivo di Manduria Dop
2018 - Berliner Wein Trophy
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Feudi di San Marzano s.r.l. Region: Italy Apulia
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