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Château Léoville Barton

France Bordeaux

Winery Wines
Name: Château Léoville Barton
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Owner: Anthony Barton
Manager: Lilian Sartorius-Barton
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Tasted Wines 7 Wines View All

0.75 L
1998 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Editor note: Herbaceous, tobacco-like, peppery and cedar-like scent of black currants and dried red chili peppers...
0.75 L
1996 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Editor note: Deeper, slightly fatty, nutty, peppery, and leathery scent of ripe black and a bit of red berries wi...
0.75 L
1994 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Editor note: Firm, tobaccoy and very slightly fleshy-animalic aroma of ripe black berries with very fine peppery...
0.75 L
2000 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Editor note: Very firm, almost compact and almost still closed, deep scent of ripe black berries, pepper, leather...
0.75 L
1999 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Editor note: Deep, dense and firm, peppery and slightly meaty-animalic aroma of ripe black berries and Amarena ch...
0.75 L
1967 Saint-Julien AOC Deuxième Cru Classé
Translate to English Editor note: Überraschend frische rotbeerige, vor allem an Erdbeeren erinnernde Nase mit etwas Cassis und florale...
Château Léoville Barton Region: France Bordeaux
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