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Champagne MARGUET Père & Fils

France Champagne

Winery Wines
Name: Champagne MARGUET Père & Fils
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Owner: Benoit Marguet - Bonnerave
Wine Maker: Benoit Marguet - Bonnerave
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Tasted Wines 16 Wines View All

0.75 L
2015 Champagne AOC Premier Cru Brut Nature "Sapience" (Deg.: 02/2024)
Editor note: Cool, yeasty, still almost closed, simultaneously with a hint of oxidative citrus nose with some app...
0.75 L
2019 Champagne AOC Grand Cru Brut Nature "Bouzy" (Deg.: 19/02/2024)
Editor note: Hefty, nutty, and apple-like aroma with herbal notes and a hint of egg white, a touch of spring onio...
0.75 L
2019 Champagne AOC Grand Cru Brut Nature "Verzenay" (Deg.: 20/02/2024)
Translate to English Editor note: Fester, nussiger und noch merklich hefiger Kernobstduft mit Zitrusnoten, Zitrusschale, rauchigen und...
0.75 L
2019 Champagne AOC Grand Cru Brut Nature "Ambonnay Freedom"
Editor note: Slightly cloudy onion skin color. Firm and quite deep, yeasty and somewhat nutty apple aroma with sm...
0.75 L
2019 Champagne AOC Grand Cru Brut Nature "La Grande Ruelle" (Deg.: 02/2024)
Up to 150.00 €
Editor note: Engaging, deep, nutty, yeasty and slightly buttery nose, a hint of smoky pomaceous fruit with red an...
0.75 L
2019 Champagne AOC Grand Cru Brut Nature "Chouilly" (Deg.: 19/02/2024)
Editor note: Firm, nutty, yeasty to slightly bready, youthful nose with very fine pomaceous fruit and citrus arom...
Champagne MARGUET Père & Fils Region: France Champagne
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