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Cave des Hautes Côtes - Blasons de Bourgogne
Winery Wines

Cave des Hautes Côtes - Blasons de Bourgogne Tasted Wines 3 Wines

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0.75 L
2006 Nuits-Saint-Georges AOC Nuits-Saint-Georges Seigneurs de Bligny
Up to 50.00 €
Translate to English Editor note: Klarer, herber, geschliffener Duft nach roten und schwarzen Beeren mit zart getrocknet-kräuterigen u...
0.75 L
2006 Beaune AOC Seigneurs de Bligny
Editor note: Clear nose, red berries and preserved cherries, sweetish herbaceous traces. Clear, cool and fairly l...
0.75 L
2006 Bourgogne Hautes-Côtes de Nuits AOC Sélection Prestige
Up to 15.00 €
Editor note: Partlsy preserved red berries on the nose, vegetal notes, light floral traces. Quite light-bodied, w...
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